
Friday, November 30, 2012

Movie: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Honestly, the Breaking Dawn's really disappoint me. For Part 1, the plain plot - marry and give birth - doesn't impress me at all. Part 2 is much better- but still dissatisfied: Bella became a real member of Cullen's, the epic battle, the unity of the vampires and werewolf and the happy ending.

After finished watching all the Twilight saga's, I could say that Twilight and Eclipse is the best. Adventurous storyline eliminate all the boredom.

Let's say about the movie.

In this part, Bella's human life was over. She had became a vampire- certainly a "vegetarian" too. Her extraordinary perseverance had keep her being a good new born vampire, resist the thirst burning in her. Bella's stronger than Emmett now, even winning him in a hand wrestling - a favour of her hubby. Besides, Bella had a gift of shielding. It was the rival of the Volturi's weapon like Jane and Alec.
Emmett versus Bella
Jacob was imprinted by Renesmee, Edward and Bella's baby. It's was funny when he ask Edward should he call him "dad" now XD I love the actress who play the role of  Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy. Rudely I could say that the Jacob-Renesmee pair was 'beauty and the beast' HAHAHA

More and more vampires were gathered in Forks, in order to be witnesses - to proof that Renesmee wasn't a immortal child vampire. Different 'gifts' in some of the vampires were nice.
Benjamin has the ability to manipulate the element like eaerth, fire and water.

Zafrina controls the vision and sight of her target
Katrina is a 'electric woman'. Anyone who touches her will  be electric-shocked.
The climax was very surprising. The epic battle among the vampire covens and the Volturi's was a huge scene and spectacular as well. Hundreds of actors were in that scene. It's was definitely the most unforgetable battle scene in the Twilight's.

However, something that really stun me is, ALL of the battle in this movie was just Alice's vaticination. At that second, I was totally dumbfounded. I was so sad that the Carlisle and Jasper were died, so touch that a werewolf died to save Esme, so angry that stupid Jane killed Jasper and a werewolf indirectly and so happy that Jane, Aro and Alec was murdered by the Cullens. And yet, it was all just prophecy.

At last, the Volturi's left because Aro saw his bad final. It came to a happy ending, live happily ever after, FOREVER.

As I was wondering how the werewolves were created in those exclusive scene. Here's the explanation~
For the battle scene, it actually looks like this:

Here's the other behind-the-scene:

Monday, November 26, 2012




    有个旁观者看到了这一切,不解地问:“大师,您为什么又要将鞋带解松呢?”大师回答道:“因为我饰演的是一位劳累的旅者,长途跋涉让他的鞋带松开,可以通过这个细节表现他的劳累憔悴.” “那你为什么不直接告诉你的弟子呢?”“他能细心地发现我的鞋带松了,并且热心地告诉我,我一定要保护他这种热情的积极性,及时地给他鼓励,至于为什么要将鞋带解开,将来会有更多的机会教他表演,可以下一次再说啊。

感受纯粹私人感觉,分享就免了吧 哈哈~~

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Exam is inevitable in our life, OUR. I do feel thankful to have those examinations and tests in my life. You see, there are over million of kids who are shruggling in poverty do not know wht is exam, or even don't hear before about study or learning.

I appreciate the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills, I enjoy know more things, more than others. Maybe it's a part of my kia-su (afraid or losing) character, but I never be disgusted with that HAHA

Different knowledge leads different life as well as choice.

October 2011:     PMR
November 2011: Modern Jazz 3 Exam
March, May, August, October 2012: School Exam
July 2012: Piano Exam
November 2012: Ballet Exam

The classic post when answering an essay question XD

Every different exam bring dissimilar feeling and inspiration. For an absent-minded girl like me, I can never remember the moment in the examination room, not a single detail HAHA However, there always are a process that I wouldn't forget, the preparation.

Just like PMR, it was the FIRST exam that I really paid attention in my revision. I was so surprised that I could be so diligent XD Keeping myself to stay away from the multimedias: internet, newspaper and TV programmes and controlling my noon-nap time was hard before that (and now too HAHA)

For the piano exam, I was all out for that too. The very first time. After the exam, I don't trust "Practise makes perfect" anymore. Yet after the result came out, "It's always pay to be hardworking" engraved in my mind.

ALL the exams are over now~ HOLIDAY STARTS NOW~~

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Movie: Shutter Island

This is the second movie of Leonardo Dicaprio I've watched- after Titanic HAHA I saw a post on, recommended this movie, emphasized Dicaprio's acting. I'd searched for this movie before - long time ago - so I started that movie with my preconceived outline of the movie. I thought the real mental patient was among the staffs on the island- mayb the nurse, the guards or even the doctor.

This movie was described as "Movie for the high IQ's". At first I was doubted about that, but when the last scene featured, I was TOTALLY agreed with that =P

As a matter of fact, the main character of the movie, Teddy Daniels was the most serious patient on the island: Andrew Laeddis. Andrew was a mental patient who killed his wife and indirectly killed his children. He was suffering in split personality disorder by creating "Teddy Daniels" and "Rachel Solando". He "created" and "acted" as a marshal named Teddy who has a task - find the lost patient, Rachel Solando and find out the secret of the Ashecliffe.

In fact, the whole movie was a play, set by Dr. Cawley who wanted to cure and save Andrew Laeddis from lobotomy ( a surgery which will remove the person's memory ). All the staffs were in the play to recall Laeddis' memory. I don't really know this part before I read an analysis about this movie XD

Here's the interpretation of the details:
Teddy can't stomach the water
( Laeddis' children was drowned)
The guards take it serious when the "marshals", Teddy and Chuck (Andrew Laeddis
and Dr. Sheehan) reach the port because Andrew is the most dangerous patient
in the Ashecliff.
Dr. Sheehan acted the partner of Teddy. The awkward moment when
Dr.Sheehan hardly surrender his pistol ( because he wasn't a real marshal )
Dr.Cawley and Dr. Sheehan specially put 2 pairs of men's shoe in
"Rachel Solando" wardrobe, to arouse Andrew's doubt.
But it fails because Andrew's defense mechanism refuse to "obeserve" the "doubt".
Who will accept a doubt that will spoil their own-created story?
The staffs were laughing when one of the nurse said about Rachel, said that
she complaint about the food constantly. They laughed because
"Rachel" was Andrew- he is the one complaining- but
"Teddy" doesn't understand.
 Mrs. Kearns wrote on the left page
But the word "run" occured on the right page
Mrs. Kearns drinking without a glass.

 The 3 scenes show that this is Andrew's hallucination, obviously. The director purposely set all this. Sad to say, I missed to spot them until I read the interpretation.. HAHA!

From Andrew's hair, we know that the
wind is blowing towards south.
But the smoke is blown toward the north.

     Both of these illogical scene also shows that all this was just Andrew's imagination. 

Other screenshot in the movie:

Rachel Solando- a role of the split personality disorder of Andrew Laeddis.
This nurse was acting the "fake" Rachel Solando.
She is so good in her acting! She's beautiful indeed =P

Dr. Cawley showed Laeddis his own daughter in order to recall his memory.

Andrew regained consciousness but still act like
he didn't and said "Which would be worse - to live as a monster, or to die as a good man? "

Dr. Cawley felt so depressed and sad, watching Andrew Laeddis
being brought away- his efforts were no cure for Andrew.
Last scene
( Andrew Laeddis was brought for the lobotomy )

In a nutshell, this movie is quite complicated. It would be better if you watch after understanding the details because you can focus on the acting skill of the actor and actress. Anyway, this movie doesn't impress me much. I would give a mark of 6 out 10.

Movie Link:,5,6,2.html (with chinese and english subtitle)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Movie: Pirates of the Carribean 1: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Gentlemen,milady,you'll always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.This is the favourite line of mine in The Curse of the Black Pearl~
I'd just finish watching this movie, on a China website :
I'm glad when my friend introduce this website for me because I'd wasted about half an hour searching for a online-free watch for The Pirates of the Carribean's series.

First of all, the storyline was really very interesting. Did you ever think about a 
group of pirates with such special curse? The Aztec Curse: Eternal thirst, starvation and unslakable lust. The crew of the Black Pearl were immortal, until they return all the loot of Aztec.

Surprising theme with the participation of the humorous yet witty
Jack Sparrow- Opps, should be CAPTAIN, Captain Jack Sparrow XD - formed a fascinating plot~ The role of Captain Jack Sparrow reminded me about the Wei Xiao Bao in 《鹿鼎记》(The Duke of Mouse Deer). They are both witty, a bit cunning,brave and lucky as well.

Jack Sparrow with the gun~

Another thing impressed me so much is the
computer graphics~ I wondered how they make the on and off of the skeleton and flesh while Jack Sparrow was fighting with Barbossa~ It was like WOW- the part you can't miss! And the changing of immortality between Jack Sparrow and Barbossa also very tricky~ Jack Sparrow took one of  the gold piece and made himself immortal before fighting with Barbossa~

Jack Sparrow in immortal condition
Barbossa thought he could kill him with a sword but Jack Sparrow
silently took a piece of golden to avoid being killed~
Not forget about the little thingy in the movie: Parley!, little creatures(the monkey, the parrot and the doggie), the apple of captain barbossa and last shot of jack sparrow~>Parley: the right to negotiate with the captain~ set down in Pirate Code of the Brethren
>The monkey was the pet of Barbossa~ I'd forgotten who's the master of the parrot, a mute is all I can remember~ The dog~ nearly save Jack Sparrow in the bars~ XD
>The last shot of the gun was saved for someone. Jack Sparrow saved that shot for the betrayer- Captain Hector Barbossa~ 

Barbossa and his tricky monkey, Jack =) It's smart too~
Last shot of Jack's gun for Barbossa
Besides, I had found one website you will be interested,
The Encyclopedia of the Pirates~ :
you can search every single word in the movie =)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Portrait: Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway Portrait
Ermmm.... After drawing this one, I found out that draw light portrait is more suitable for me. I tried to darken this 1 but the effect is not that good. Well, I think my outdated phone is also part of the problem. Low quality of the phone camera had affect the darkness of the tone. This made me had a sudden surge of desire for the smart phone with INSTAGRAM XD However, I not really need that I think. Maybe a Canon/Nikon would be better for me =)

I'll try some male actor after this~ Probably Johnny Depp because I'm now indulge in the Pirates' series =D

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Portrait: Angelina Jolie

Hmmm... I think it was a good try for me as I wasn't a good artist since I'm young. I didn't be part and parcel of art like my classmates. No drawing class, no drawing contest, low marks in drawing. The irony part is, I'd hope to be an interior designer when I was still a primary school pupil. HAHA! However, I was awaken before I graduate =)

This Jolie is really weird. It wasn't because of my drawing skill, though that was certainly part of it XD I'd wrongly plot the ratio of the nose part HAHA

PS: Anne Hatheway will be the next~ ( Please! Please forgive me if I produce another weird one haha!)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Festival: Deepavali

Logged in Facebook. My home page was immersed with status commenting about the booms and pows happened last night. Well, it's Deepavali Eve. Undeniable that the fireworks and firecrackers was played incessantly, outrode the Chinese New Year Eve. 

I suddenly thought that, Deepavali actually have the
same purpose with CNY, from certain perspective.

See, Deepavali is a festival which the Hindus commemorates the death of Narakasuran, a brutal demon who wreaked havoc while CNY is initial a fight against the mythical beast called 'Nian'. This beast would appear when the new year is around the corner to eat human as well as crops and it was afraid of red colour. Therefore, RED colour is the main colour of CNY as we Chinese continue the culture. In a nutshell, both of the festivals is mainly to commemorate the vanish of demon. The difference between them is Deepavali is a religious festival yet CNY is a racial celebration.

I'm glad that my housing area is not Chinese-concentrated one. Different races of residents in my Taman let me gain lots of different festival experience.

Like the past years, today my mom, my bro and I went to my Indian neighbour's house as they invited us =D We often write "house visiting among different races and religion" as one of the method in  fostering better interpersoanl relationship with other ethnic. This is really a good way to cultivate better neighbourhood, like what i just experienced.

Eating different food which are not easy seen in the Indian restaurant, I enjoyed the unique experience. Know what, today I learnt about 2 indian dishes, one named Aviyal ( a vege curry, usually eaten with putu mayam) and another one is Rawa Tosai. Without a doubt, we also ate mutton curry and chicken curry and MURUKU~ I was so flummox when I heard that the old aunty ( my neighbour's mother) said she make all the indian crisps by using her own flour, she mill herself!! The muruku was crunchy and spiced~

Rawa Tosai

My neighbour's family is a typical Malaysian family~ The old aunt told me, her youngest son married a Malay lady, an interracial love. Besides, her grandson is going to take a Chinese wife. Their family can represent Malaysia- consisting the three main race in our country.

For me, I can never imagine what will happened if I really involved in a interracial relationship /.\
I wouldn't think that will be a good life for me HAHA         

Happy Deepavali to all Hindus =)        
Cookies and muruku from my neighbours =)

Sunday, November 11, 2012



冷静的思索了一下, 我好像不是我以为的那个自己。我以为,以为我是一个乐观的人。可是一路走来,负面的思想和自我低估总是让我觉得我处处不如人。




我会开始感激称赞我的人但我不可能不贬低自己。—— 410~


Friday, November 9, 2012


Did you notice I'd change my blog's background to the blue sunny sky?

Did you ever ask why the sky is in bright blue?

Sky is blue in colour because of dispersion of the sunlight in the atmosphere layer. When the sunlight go through the atmosphere, dispersion happens because the colours in the sunlight have different refractive index. Red colour has the highest refractive index, followed by orange yellow green blue violet and lastly is the purple colour. The colour with higher refractive index moves in a higher speed. The blue colour is trapped in the atmosphere and is then  pushed and shoved between the water molecule and dust. After refraction and reflection, the fresh blue colour is then pass through our eyes~~ =D

Do you LOVE the blue sky?

I do. Everytime when I'm sink into fret or depression, I'll raise my head, gaze the blue blue sky. The peaceful colour combination of blue and white is like a tranquilizer, calm my mind down (actually is blank my mind XD)~ I can think nothing when I stare at the borderless heaven. Everything is like 'WHOOSHHHH~' - flushed away and my world become so simple, so easy. A smile will creeps onto my face silently =)

I keep my hands crossed so that I can go to New Zealand or Tibet, enjoy the endless blue sky~~~

Try to fixate your sight on the clouds and atmosphere next time. It really helps in let your hair down =D

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dato Seri Tew Kim Thin

Maybe you will think that being a Dato or something is quite common in Malaysia, but many of them are deserve no less to be respected. Dato Seri Tew is my school's 'Bapa Angkat'(godfather). He is the owner of the Zenith Group, a millionaire (maybe a billionaire). Yet, he was also a Banting guy, speaks hokkien, cute character, humble and generous man. He drop out during standard 5 and worked as a waiter in a old style 'kopitiam'. He was also then a foreman in a workshop, a contrator and finally became a successful entrepreneur. According to him, he learnt everything from zero, without any foundation in those field and discovered everything by self excavation.

In the 3-days-2-nights PRS camp, I didn't actually learn something from those movies.. It's just a game of discovering the moral values in the movie. =P As a matter of fact, the best part of the camp that impress me is the Q&A session with Dato Tew. We had gained a lot in the sharing session. Let me share my acquisition with you.

1. FOCUS. The main principle of Dato is focus. He keep emphasizing the importance of focus in your own path.

2. Be courageous. Dare to ask, dare to fail.

3. Always learn things from the others by observing. Ask if you don't know or don't understand. Jot down the thing you have acquire.

4.Quality is more significant than quantity.

5. Don't think what you can get, think what you should do to increase the posibility to achieve. " You ingin mau, itu akan hilang; You tak ingin mau, itu akan datang" =D
6. Image is vital.  It shows your everything to a stranger. Always bear in mind that etiquette is the main part of image.  Don't ever underestimate the significance of etiquette because image also make known of your reverence towards others.

7. Humble is the key to convince others. Play dumb at the suitable time and do not be arrogant on what you know. No one will be willing to give advise or enlightenment to conceited person.

8. See through everything clearly so that you wouldn't get stuck in the wrong thing. Understand a situation will lead to confidence.

I hope these will inspire you~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Do u ever watch a car crash in 5m close? Aha~ I just witnessed, so near.

Mum got back into the car with the Domino's. Raining season, the accident season. Our car was blocked by a white Proton on our right, double parking one. After a long minute of betweentimes horns, finally it started to move. What I can say about the driver is: without sense of driving, reckless ( no signal before moving towards the main road ).

Without a signal, a Kancil coming behind seems don't know that the Proton is driving out the main road. No doubt, the Kancil halted abruptly. "BANGGGGG". While the Kancil stopped, a unlucky black car knocked it due to emergency brake failure. The proton stopped about 3seconds and left without a scratch, leaving the collided cars behind...

Irresponsible is the main factor of the unexpected happening. Irresponsible to oneself, irresponsible to other road users, irresponsible to the lifes- the defection of human. All of this mostly end up with an accident, a news report and a obituary.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


What a big surprise.. nope, i should have say 'shock'.

Get up in the morning, checking my facebook and the messages.

"Crying.. My friend passed away"

Yea.. My friend's friend passed away in an accident. I was stunned for a long minute. I don't really know his friend, but I'm at a loss, thinking what should I do now.

I don't know what boy thinks, but as a friend, I do have the responsiblity to comfort him. A message would be good enough I thought, with a =)

Sometimes I do think, life is extremely brittle. Last month, one of the 'famous' nuisance of my primary school had passed away; Day before yesterday, one of my friend's friend passed away and yesterday, another one.

They are teens. And just left this fantastic world like this.

Everyday, many of humans are ending their life, forced or voluntarily. I know it's inevitable. You know too.

But when the rate of surviving is higher than the rate of leaving, no one remember the fragile of one's life until someone around them unluckily passed away.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Book Commentary: 《战地情书》

I thought today is the last day for my 2012 school life. But it isn't. A meeting of PRS(pembimbing rakan sebaya) is held on Monday. ~I'm wondering who will b our future leader~I do hope i can catch a position in the Kelab Kerjaya~ =D

Currently, Form 4's textbook is no longer left, replaced by pile of Form 5 ones. The books remind all of us about the SPM, of course isn't a nice reminder. 'Work hard, play hard', this quote always in my mind (although I'm not really realizing it XD). I trust that, the pressure of SPM can change my mind, despite the stress of distortion of mentality =P

Finishing a book leads an immense of sense of accomplishment~ Recently I had finished the  New Moon and a chinese book,wrote by 禤素莱 (Xuan Su Lai), named 《战地情书》( The Love Letter of the Battlefield). She's a Malaysian, is an army translator. This job seems far from us right? In her first book,《随军翻译》(Army Translator), she transmitted more information about the culture conflict among the western+eastern thinking and the Arabian's. Patriarchal system of the Arab countries had caused a series of mishap on the the author, real story. However, The Love Letter one is more about the inner emotion and circumstance of the troops. Leaving their families, protecting their country, causing wound and death, separating with buddies after missions and other feeling in the deepest of the core of their brittle heart. All of this shows the weakness of human in stopping the game of the old which is inevitable since ancient- WAR! Anyway, i prefer the first 1 because I'm not really a sensible girl, my rationality overdo my sensibility~ The Army Translator give me many information and it widen my horizon and let me read the contra happens in the other corner of the universe =) 

~~ 随军翻译(后)与战地情书 ~~
Army Translator ( under ) & The Love lteer of the Battlefield
Nothing is impossible because I'M POSSIBLE!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It had been so long ago I had updated my bloggy, more longer for an english one. Okay, from today onwards, I'll post more post in english, for the sake of my english level XD
Thanks for my friend for motivating me AHAHAHA

I found that art of drawing is quite interesting~ Just like words, it can tranquil your inner feelings and put your hair down, like a great downpour flushing away all the hustle and bustle in your daily routine, especially those stressful stuff. Well, in a matter of fact, I not yet start my self-learning drawing session. HAHA. But I know that my curiousity would drag me in. One or two, I'll work it out~

Now here's my holiday plan. It's quite .. artistic HAHA i have to practise my Dizi on a new song called 《赶街》, check out the drawing things, do some strength training and practise on my dance, new song for piano, movies & series and of course READ~ As the twilight saga: Breaking Dawn part II is going to play in the theatre, I HAVE to finish the books asap. And I have almost a dozen of books in my cupboard, which I didn't even touch before after paying for them XD. I desire to learn a four-hands playing - from the movie 'Secret' but unfortunately, i have  no companion T^T My friend's refusal drive me to the deep of disappointment. Nevertheless, I still have pile of songs stoodby - to be learned =)

November, a poetic holiday month.

December, an exhilarating period~
December is for nothing but TAIWAN! 21day-trip will probably be the best part of my long term hol.~ Yet, I'm still headaching about the 'sponsors' from the See-s. Trying the best to persuade my second brother - the Diamond >.< He offered me a trip to Bali instead of subsidizing me in my lovely Taiwan trip. AWWW, the merciless sun, tropical beach and penetrating UV light doesn't looks captivating to me. He can save more and I can get what i fond if he deal with my offer- subsidize me. But he declined =-=''  It doesn't make sense. I had never understand a boy's mind. ARGH.

Thursday, June 28, 2012



最终 灵魂 崩溃

Thursday, June 21, 2012







Tuesday, June 19, 2012



无拘无束  飘逸的

像黑洞    黑而毫无破绽
天生就背着使命     卸不掉责任

在古 乃大智大圣之累积
于今 是父母的心力交瘁

被科技    断了续
千丝万缕  喻成烦恼

被彩盘上的颜色 沾染了


被遗忘 却默默眺望
期许中着 回首看看
微笑 以文字献上
点缀着 道出梦想的地方


盼望下次能因书碰面,眼神,对望,尽在不言中。。———— 致:远方的朋友




想起漫步在五角星的建筑群里,都沦为回忆,沦为痕迹。。———— 述:心有芥蒂的朋友

不为五百块伤脑,但,做不到,累,占据我的躯壳 ———— 我