
Friday, November 9, 2012


Did you notice I'd change my blog's background to the blue sunny sky?

Did you ever ask why the sky is in bright blue?

Sky is blue in colour because of dispersion of the sunlight in the atmosphere layer. When the sunlight go through the atmosphere, dispersion happens because the colours in the sunlight have different refractive index. Red colour has the highest refractive index, followed by orange yellow green blue violet and lastly is the purple colour. The colour with higher refractive index moves in a higher speed. The blue colour is trapped in the atmosphere and is then  pushed and shoved between the water molecule and dust. After refraction and reflection, the fresh blue colour is then pass through our eyes~~ =D

Do you LOVE the blue sky?

I do. Everytime when I'm sink into fret or depression, I'll raise my head, gaze the blue blue sky. The peaceful colour combination of blue and white is like a tranquilizer, calm my mind down (actually is blank my mind XD)~ I can think nothing when I stare at the borderless heaven. Everything is like 'WHOOSHHHH~' - flushed away and my world become so simple, so easy. A smile will creeps onto my face silently =)

I keep my hands crossed so that I can go to New Zealand or Tibet, enjoy the endless blue sky~~~

Try to fixate your sight on the clouds and atmosphere next time. It really helps in let your hair down =D

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