
Friday, November 30, 2012

Movie: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Honestly, the Breaking Dawn's really disappoint me. For Part 1, the plain plot - marry and give birth - doesn't impress me at all. Part 2 is much better- but still dissatisfied: Bella became a real member of Cullen's, the epic battle, the unity of the vampires and werewolf and the happy ending.

After finished watching all the Twilight saga's, I could say that Twilight and Eclipse is the best. Adventurous storyline eliminate all the boredom.

Let's say about the movie.

In this part, Bella's human life was over. She had became a vampire- certainly a "vegetarian" too. Her extraordinary perseverance had keep her being a good new born vampire, resist the thirst burning in her. Bella's stronger than Emmett now, even winning him in a hand wrestling - a favour of her hubby. Besides, Bella had a gift of shielding. It was the rival of the Volturi's weapon like Jane and Alec.
Emmett versus Bella
Jacob was imprinted by Renesmee, Edward and Bella's baby. It's was funny when he ask Edward should he call him "dad" now XD I love the actress who play the role of  Renesmee, Mackenzie Foy. Rudely I could say that the Jacob-Renesmee pair was 'beauty and the beast' HAHAHA

More and more vampires were gathered in Forks, in order to be witnesses - to proof that Renesmee wasn't a immortal child vampire. Different 'gifts' in some of the vampires were nice.
Benjamin has the ability to manipulate the element like eaerth, fire and water.

Zafrina controls the vision and sight of her target
Katrina is a 'electric woman'. Anyone who touches her will  be electric-shocked.
The climax was very surprising. The epic battle among the vampire covens and the Volturi's was a huge scene and spectacular as well. Hundreds of actors were in that scene. It's was definitely the most unforgetable battle scene in the Twilight's.

However, something that really stun me is, ALL of the battle in this movie was just Alice's vaticination. At that second, I was totally dumbfounded. I was so sad that the Carlisle and Jasper were died, so touch that a werewolf died to save Esme, so angry that stupid Jane killed Jasper and a werewolf indirectly and so happy that Jane, Aro and Alec was murdered by the Cullens. And yet, it was all just prophecy.

At last, the Volturi's left because Aro saw his bad final. It came to a happy ending, live happily ever after, FOREVER.

As I was wondering how the werewolves were created in those exclusive scene. Here's the explanation~
For the battle scene, it actually looks like this:

Here's the other behind-the-scene: