
Saturday, November 24, 2012


Exam is inevitable in our life, OUR. I do feel thankful to have those examinations and tests in my life. You see, there are over million of kids who are shruggling in poverty do not know wht is exam, or even don't hear before about study or learning.

I appreciate the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills, I enjoy know more things, more than others. Maybe it's a part of my kia-su (afraid or losing) character, but I never be disgusted with that HAHA

Different knowledge leads different life as well as choice.

October 2011:     PMR
November 2011: Modern Jazz 3 Exam
March, May, August, October 2012: School Exam
July 2012: Piano Exam
November 2012: Ballet Exam

The classic post when answering an essay question XD

Every different exam bring dissimilar feeling and inspiration. For an absent-minded girl like me, I can never remember the moment in the examination room, not a single detail HAHA However, there always are a process that I wouldn't forget, the preparation.

Just like PMR, it was the FIRST exam that I really paid attention in my revision. I was so surprised that I could be so diligent XD Keeping myself to stay away from the multimedias: internet, newspaper and TV programmes and controlling my noon-nap time was hard before that (and now too HAHA)

For the piano exam, I was all out for that too. The very first time. After the exam, I don't trust "Practise makes perfect" anymore. Yet after the result came out, "It's always pay to be hardworking" engraved in my mind.

ALL the exams are over now~ HOLIDAY STARTS NOW~~

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