
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I love Catching Fire supporting cast: Finnick (Sam Claflin) & Johanna (Jena Malone)

The Hunger Games Series is the only trilogy that I had completed. Personally I love the first book the most, because the games part is the major, my favourite. However, it is so contradictory that I love the Catching Fire more than the Hunger Games (1), probably because of Sam Claflin, who casted Finnick =P

Finnick with sugar cube =)

After reading some kind of Behind The Scenes and Reviews, I got to know that Robert Pattinson was in the list of Finnick. Perhaps Robert's involvement will strike a higher box office record, but I'm glad that he's not Finnick HAHA. It made me get to know about Sam, another beautiful, mesmerising English actor HAHA!

His dimples,his charisma
Where is Finnick? Odair he is~

This is a joke that I found on the Facebook, took me a couple of minutes to ring my bell. Odair supposed to be Finnick's surname, which is closely pronounced as " Oh there he is! "

The one who create this was certainly creative =D

In the Catching Fire, my focus was riveted on the supporting roles, included Jena Malone who played the role of Johanna Mason. She portrayed the rebellious, blunt yet mysterious Joanna very impressively. Joanna's lines was also overwhelming!! Let's see Jena in her bright red lipstick>>

Can you imagine this girl playing Johanna Mason?

In fact, I haven't watch the movie in the cinema, but an illegal pirated version which wasn't very clear but consider okay online. Looking forward for the magnified Finnick in the cinema soon =)
I would like to share a link of review, it reveals what I thought perfectly. Here it is:

"If there's any reason to actually look forward to Mockingjay being split into two parts, it's that we'll get to see more of Finnick."

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Awww... the precious post exam holiday is here now and 5 days of it had slipped away on the sly. Unexpectedly, I ain't very excited in fact. But the days without stupid memorising did cheer me a little.

Piles of books and handouts are partially in 3 big boxes, waiting for the next phase of their lives, like me. I suppose to search for informations about the scholarships which I yearned for, but I'm seriously unmotivated because the notion of obtaining an unsatisfying result reels out more frequent. Oh god!

Putting aside the negatives, I'm looking forward for my new house =) Though it isn't as grand as others nor exquisite, it nevertheless better than the house I'm staying now HAHA The mini vege garden, a bigger kitchen and the new wardrobe never fail to cheer me. Will take some photos soon~

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Simply Hopeless

After 4 papers, I felt that I had wasted 2 years study for nothing. I believe "hard work pays off" no more...

BM KRG essay lack of points, inundated with superficial quotes.. TATABAHASA fatal weakness..

ENGLISH essay.. story totally unrelated to the question. According to my conjecture, it will earn at most 39 ba..

SEJARAH i thought i answered well but when i checked for those answers, i was speechless..

ACCOUNT my hope crushed when i found that i was not really on the right track.. a stack of papers during the exam was really annoying. not to say i spent about half and hour check answer for a 2 marks question without realising its value.. darn!


Saturday, July 6, 2013


Now I know that, internet blockage is never a true story. There is no secret in the internet world.

So........ =X Control your fingers or leak your story. HAHA!

Sometime I really can't stop feeling that I'm smart LOL! potential to be a detective ( non-emotional ) HAHA.

I'm never a sensitive girl towards intricate human mind but quite in numbers like several number combination 98335,5309 etc. I just can't scrape them off from my head @.@


Always smile like an angel =)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013



When the "Samsung Galaxy SIII" appeared, I just can't stop thanking the God HAHAHA!

Yesterday I had an awful experience @.@ I had never get my Sony Ericsson in water before in last 5 years. And last night, I had my S3, which is still consider new (3 months age) invaded by the water droplets! The matter of fact, I'm the culprit actually.. HAHA no one to blame. 

The bottle wasn't closed tightly, and yea, like what you guess, the water flow out. Most terrible is, I didn't even perceive at first. Not until the "zi zi zi" sound emerged......... *guilty* 

Tissue, Screw driver, blablar.. Didn't manage to rescue the unconscious thing *sob sob*

Actually, the guilt is nothing to do with the phone, the real thing I concerned about is my $$$. 


Okay, LESSON LEARNT. Don't simply put your electronic gadgets in your bag even you are in hurry.....


Browsed over several sides and TA-DANG~ Found this :

Remove the battery cover, battery, and SD Card and submerge the phone in a bowl of uncooked white rice for a day.

Miracle! Now my phone is safe and sound~~ 

LESSON LEARNT #2: Google before despair, google before sigh, it only costs a try =D

erhmmm... Not my phone. An image from google (again). For reference purpose.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

First Driving Lesson at the Centre~

It was really a combination of exciting and nervous feelings today~

It wasn't same with the on-the-road lessons which I had for 3 times a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't surprise to find Uncle ( my trainer ) letting me to drive to the centre, but I was really  astounded when he asked me to  drive back too! I was like "HAR....?" when he requested me to sit on the driver's seat after the two-and-a-half hours lesson. However, the BEST part was that~ hiak hiak~

For the first time I had the chance to drive at the speed of 90 km/hr WAHAHA!! You can never resist to try that again, if you tried before and being offered again~ The best part is, the road had a meagre 2-3 cars, and you can speed up on your own lane, despite of being thwart by the mediocre speed cars~

I felt very well as I saw some of the learner ( the L cars appeared in the 500m radius of  the centre) was driving in a poor velocity whereas I was at nearly doubled speed en route. By and by, I got to know that it is the average speed for the real driving exam. Ironically, I had to practise in the speed that a tortoise would laugh at, too. T^T

That's ok 'coz you only had to drive 3-4 times, back and forth.

Here comes the worst session: THE UPHILL and TIGA PENJURU(three-cornered) tasks.

I reckoned most of the newbies will came across the same problem, that is the dealing with CLUTCH!!
I failed to cope with it for numerous times. On the umpteenth times, it laid the climax......


Somehow I wasn't petrified on that point, but now, I FELT LUCKY THAT I'M STILL ALIVE! *sweat*

Errr... The story haven't end yet.

I was nearly overcrossed to the oppo-direction lane on the way back to Banting. As a matter of fact, recklessness wasn't the culprit, it was sleepness leading me to an accident~ =P #I'm a dangerous driver =X

Let bygones be bygones HAHA~ As long as I'm safe and sound now =D Thank God~

Here's some tips for the novices:
1. The clutch is "indirectly proportional" to the accelerator ( except on the ascending track ). Do not leave all the clutch when you are at the 1st gear lvl (mostly after a complete halt eg. traffic light) Leave the clutch gradually without pressing the accelerator can actually move the car ( many thought that only accelerator can mobilize the car #me XD)

2. Do not press hard on the stering. Your trainer might keep repeating the notion of "relax your hand" or "soften your grab" etc. It's actually asking you not to push or press hard towards the stering.

3. Remember to leave your right foot away from the brake when you wanna leave your clutch to move, especially during REVERSE!! I did this step wrongly continuously and Uncle pull me up T^T

Thanks for reading =)

Monday, May 27, 2013

i am a FAILURE


Can't stop comparing myself with my peers, my pals.

More importantly, I always am the worse.

There's no answer for why. No point, too.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I'm 17 now~ =D

Yesterday, I'd celebrate my birthday with my friends, hanging out to the nearest shopping mall, AEON Bukit Tinggi~

Took a bus ride to there~

Watched Ah Boys To Men 2. It was not bad and quite hilarious~ Worth the fare =)
Tickets for Ah boys to Men 2
After movie, we grabbed a meal at Subway. We ate the Sub of the Day - Tuna chessy~
My subway sandwich * mouth-watering *
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie @ subway~
We shopped after addressing hunger. No doubt, we camwhored~

Friend =D

I had missed many lovely outfits because there is no size suited me. 2 pairs of shoes, 1 dress and 1 blouse. It was certainly a sad case >.<

I nevertheless bought something =)
My booty~ A red belt and grey jacket
And a pair of red shoes ;-)
Actually those things are consider my birthday present from my mum =)
I'd also received a surprise gift~
Birthday present =D
Present =)
The contain is a secret HAHAHAHA
But I can show you my last-year-birthday-present~
It's very special gift. My friend who bought me this reckoned that I'm very environment-friendly, so she gifted this to me =)
It had became part of my life for 1-year-long~
#last year birthday present =)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

After SPM is released

The 2012 SPM candidates had just took their result on the past thursday.

Not suprisingly, the overall result is quite good because it was the year right before the 13th General Election.

Our school's candidates managed to maintain the result of 9 straight A's student, no improvement  but it was nevertheless a good news.

Now, my Facebook new feeds is full with "Which course to take?"
Now, the newspapers is full with "Education Fair is here!"

Recently, my classmates and I had started to pull up our socks. The issues about future studies and aspiration had became the hot topic.

Everyone's in dilemma as well as stress. HAHA

Straight A+, it's very heavy.

Scholarship, the distance between us is unfathomable =-=''

We had just submitted the ASEAN Scholarship for Pre-Uni. I reckon, it WOULD let me down.

7 months to go. 1 more year to go. CHEER~~

Monday, March 18, 2013

Movies: Les Miserables

Finally I managed to finish this movie - finish watching the another half~

It was so nice enjoying the soundtracks~ Although the version that I watched online wasn't attach with subtitles, but the language is still quite simple and clear to be hear~

There it goes:
The starting when Jean Valjean was still a slave.

Fantine -  she was be depised as she owned a illegalmate daughter.

Her daughter was sick and she needs money
to pay the guardian of her daughter

She sold her hair and even her body, she did anything, everything for her.
Anne Hathaway sang "T dreamed a dream" so well!
I fall in love with this song~~

Jean Valjean who already became a mayor helped a man by
propping up the heavy thing ( I think is a carriage)
This let him leaked his real identity to the Javert,
who had searching for Jean for all the years.

Jean Valjean had promised Fantine to take care her daughter,
before she died.
The greedy guardian of Cosett- Fantine's daughter- the Thenardiers.

Eponine, the eldest daughter of Thenardier,
the one-sided lover of Marius

Jean Valjean raised Cosette up, and she was then
fall in love with Marius.

Marius was a revolutionary youth who loved Cosette.

The Republican uprising happened after that.

Jean Valjean released Javert when he was arrested by the
revolutionary youths.
Eponine was shot - she block the soldier from
shotting Marius.

When the little boy from the revolutionary gang shot by the army,
the battle started.

Jean saved Marius for the sake of Cosette.
Jeavert found Jean when he attempted to escape from the arrest,
Javert lastly let Jean Valjean go because he appreciate him
for saving his life.

Enjolras was so imposing when he raised the red cloth
( which represent the revolution ), before he die.

Javert commited suicide because he let go Jean Valjean,
he thought that he breached his conduct.
At last, Cosette married Marius and Jean Valjean passed away in peace =D

In this movie, I discovered many ear-feasting songs like:

I dreamed a dream - Anne Hathaway

Do you hear the people sing

One day more
( theme song ), many part of this song I felt in love with~ haha

And their performance in the Oscar Award

Now I am singing these songs everyday =O

Another thing i found is, Aaron Tveit is so damn handsome =P so adorable and he sings so well~ AHHHHH! new idol!! =D

Enjolrus, the leader of the revolutionary youth

Aaron Tveit 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Endless exam

Hi there~
I was out of touch with all of you since that I was sitting for lots of exam. School exam, music theory exam, Modern jazz exam as well.

School monthly exam wasn't a big deal after all. It nevertheless took my time to revise my studies.

The music theory exam did irritated me. Nightmares for me in two consecutive nights before the exam day.
I dreamed that I passed up my paper without completing it and for the second one, I dreamed that I was 2 hours late for the paper HAHA

Tomorrow's the day for my jazz exam. Not very confident about it but a pass is not a problem. =D

photo from my instagram =)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Movie: Life of Pi

For a long period, people were discussing about the famous movie "Life Of Pie". I didn't watch it that time until I saw it on a movie website yesterday. At first I didn't know much about the story behind the scene. The analysis of the websites really make me flabbergasted.

Foremost, I was so superfacial that I only see the determination and the battle with fear of Pi. The movie let me felt that it was so spectacular for a movie. Amazed.

Let's see the beginning of the recount:

Pi was recounting his story.
Pi became the legend when he managed to memorise the "Pi" in Mathematics
Before this, Pi's was been made fun of "pissing"

 Pi was a very religious boy though his father had the opposite mind.
Pi first know about Hindu.

Pi first "meet" Christ.
Pi first "meet" Allah
Pi thought that every animal has soul. However, his father taught him a lesson that animal is animal.
In fact, two of the scene below showed that the tiger is actually Pi. =D
Pi's Dad told him that what he saw in the eyes of the tiger
was just his reflection of self
The priest said "You must be thirsty" to Pi when he first meet Pi.
"Thirsty" was the name of Richard Parker initially.
Pi's family forced to shift to Canada. The migrate never success.
Storm rain made the ship wrecked, no one knows the reason.
Pi was enjoying the crazy storm rain on the ship, with ignorance.
Pi attempted to go back to save his family but was obstructed
by the sailor.
A series of story happened on Pi. This will be discussed later. 

Pi told the Japenese his story, two version: The animal one, the human one.
So, which do you PREFER?
 Okay~ Here comes the deep-inside part of the story.
The pink words is the scene we see (the animal version) and
the blue word will be the deeper story ( the human version).

After the ship sinked, Pi was on the ship with 4 other animals.
This four animal represents the sailor(zebra), the cooker(hyena),
Pi's mother(orang utan) and Pi(tiger)
4 animals on the livesaving boat - a hyena, an orang utan, a zebra
and the tiger.
 The tiger was not appear at first, until the orang utan died.
The tiger was the evil side of Pi, the humanise side- defense.
This mean that Pi doesn't mean to kill anyone, until his mother died.
Pi was trying to defence himself
 The hyena kill the zebra first. Then, it attempt to kill Pi. The orang utan had defend and protect Pi. Lastly, it died. The tiger jumped out out of the blue and kill the vicious hyena.
On the livesaving boat, the cooker killed the sailor due to invincible hunger. They ate the flesh of the sailor in order to live. When there was no more, the cooker killed Pi's mother. Pi who was in anger, burst his wrath spontaneously and kill the cooker.
The zebra died of hyena, the orang utan also,
lastly the hyena died of the fierce tiger.

Pi learned the ways to survive.

He killed fish to feed Richard Parker the tiger
to avoid himself to become the dish.

A raft away from the boat - the peace little place for Pi
away from the death threat.

The storm that Pi faced.
 After the great storm, Pi and Richard Parker the tiger reached an beautiful island.
The island was full of meerkats, millions.
There, Pi found food and water. It was the main fact that Pi survived.
 For that he was considering to live there, forever maybe.
However, he found that the island was mysterious.
It will change to a carnevorous island, like a Venus flytrap.
The pond of water will turn acidic and dissolve the fish.

Actually, the island was said as the corpse of Pi's mother.
For the sake of life, he ate the dead body of the cooker and sailor.
He didn't mean to eat his mother's.
But, he ate, and survived.
The myriad of meerkats symbolises the maggots on the corpse of his mother.
The island that saved Pi was his mother's corpse.
The acidic pond symbolise the water came out of the dead body.
The tooth symbolise Pi ate his mother until only tooth left.
He was blinded by starvation.
He realized that he ate his mother when he saw the last tooth.
The island was a shape of woman body- metaphor his mother.
The island was full of meerkats.

Pi was chasing the meerkats away because it symbolise the
disgusting maggots.

Fish died in the lovely pond.
In the story, it was told the pold became acid at night

Pi found a tooth in the leaves on the island.

Finally, Pi reached the land.

He was crying not because he was saved.
He cried because Richard Parker simply left him
after the fight-together, without any dismay.

Richard Parker just make lost of himself.
 There are many nice scene in this movie:
The scene was so magnificent
Pi reached an beautiful island, which saved his life and
faith to live.
However, it was so "beautiful" if you know the real meaning of it HAHA
Another  remarkable scene of glowing jellyfish.
The most stufety scene- the whale.
At the ending of the movie, Pi asked which version YOU PREFER. Things can be beautiful but reality usually doesn't. The strong grip of Pi towards the God makes things nice.
I prefer the animal version.
For this movie, I would rate it 8/10