
Sunday, June 16, 2013

First Driving Lesson at the Centre~

It was really a combination of exciting and nervous feelings today~

It wasn't same with the on-the-road lessons which I had for 3 times a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't surprise to find Uncle ( my trainer ) letting me to drive to the centre, but I was really  astounded when he asked me to  drive back too! I was like "HAR....?" when he requested me to sit on the driver's seat after the two-and-a-half hours lesson. However, the BEST part was that~ hiak hiak~

For the first time I had the chance to drive at the speed of 90 km/hr WAHAHA!! You can never resist to try that again, if you tried before and being offered again~ The best part is, the road had a meagre 2-3 cars, and you can speed up on your own lane, despite of being thwart by the mediocre speed cars~

I felt very well as I saw some of the learner ( the L cars appeared in the 500m radius of  the centre) was driving in a poor velocity whereas I was at nearly doubled speed en route. By and by, I got to know that it is the average speed for the real driving exam. Ironically, I had to practise in the speed that a tortoise would laugh at, too. T^T

That's ok 'coz you only had to drive 3-4 times, back and forth.

Here comes the worst session: THE UPHILL and TIGA PENJURU(three-cornered) tasks.

I reckoned most of the newbies will came across the same problem, that is the dealing with CLUTCH!!
I failed to cope with it for numerous times. On the umpteenth times, it laid the climax......


Somehow I wasn't petrified on that point, but now, I FELT LUCKY THAT I'M STILL ALIVE! *sweat*

Errr... The story haven't end yet.

I was nearly overcrossed to the oppo-direction lane on the way back to Banting. As a matter of fact, recklessness wasn't the culprit, it was sleepness leading me to an accident~ =P #I'm a dangerous driver =X

Let bygones be bygones HAHA~ As long as I'm safe and sound now =D Thank God~

Here's some tips for the novices:
1. The clutch is "indirectly proportional" to the accelerator ( except on the ascending track ). Do not leave all the clutch when you are at the 1st gear lvl (mostly after a complete halt eg. traffic light) Leave the clutch gradually without pressing the accelerator can actually move the car ( many thought that only accelerator can mobilize the car #me XD)

2. Do not press hard on the stering. Your trainer might keep repeating the notion of "relax your hand" or "soften your grab" etc. It's actually asking you not to push or press hard towards the stering.

3. Remember to leave your right foot away from the brake when you wanna leave your clutch to move, especially during REVERSE!! I did this step wrongly continuously and Uncle pull me up T^T

Thanks for reading =)

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