
Sunday, March 9, 2014

C'mon... Have faith in yourself!

From today onwards, the countdown of the release of SPM result officially begins~~ Start from the two digit - 10!

Bahahaahaha, another annoying post arousing the "post-SPM-candidates"' anxiety and tension..

OK, forget about the imminent woe, let's talk about the pathway choosing thing.
I'd went to the Sunway Open Day, 2nd time  in the college that i might going to study at.
I missed the first half of a talk about actuarial career. When I took my sit and settle down, I managed to capture the flashing of a slideshow, presenting the salary of and actuarist. Though I didn't see its details, but I can remember so clearly about the 5 digits number WAHAHA!

That is a small episode anyway.

The main thing is, I'm so glad that I think I found the suitable course for myself, yes, the Actuarial Studies~~ Although there are so many hearsays outside there that exaggerate the difficulty of completing the aforesaid course, but I reckon I can do it.

The lecturer told me that an actuarist must LOVE maths, it's not only "comfortable with maths" nor "maths", you must LOVE maths. Basically, comfortable with maths is suitable for the one who wanted to be accountants~ So, dingdongdingdong, I love it!

It was quite an awkward moment when I asked about the fees for taking professional paper from SOA. I was calculating the fees and mumbling to myself so seriously and suddenly, Dr. Ho popped his voice " It's not about the fees, it's about whether you can pass the paper or not". Just imagine how awkward it is when someone said it while you are having a 1-to-1 conversation.. =P

After the counselling and explanation, I was required to fill up a form to get the latest news and events about Sunway-U. Filling up a form made me feel free, but someone talking to you while you writing down your personal information in such solemn way wasn't nice- especially when the conversation starts with a question you have doubt to answer it. Are you an attentive person? Will you read an article word by word and found some errors or a losing comma? An actuarist have to be. Will you do decision with serious consideration? - these were what Dr.Ho asked me, and these were what made me feel the tense of my muscle.=/ I couldn't answer this question... My brain told me that I AM NOT but somehow deep in my psyche I think I'm... HAHAHA! I know I have to be "attentive", and so, I "attentively" checked all the informations again, and "attentively" read the T&C........... (I have no choice man!)

Actuary might be more favourable for me instead of accounting.. Accounting is more about laws and policy, and boring, from what I acknowledged. Hmmm.. I believe the pressure of studying tough course can let me FLY~~

Now I have a goal, a target. So, I have to start worrying about the tuition fees, and what foundation I have to study! >.<  Endless worries!

I know my SPM result would be very disappointing, dragged down by my language subjects, and biology. Haiz... Good bye my dear Straight A's...

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