
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hey yo~~ It's so long since my last post. Shifting into the new house has its pros and cons >.< Though I finally have the chance to wallow in the dramas and movies and documentary programmes, the absence of the Internet is certainly the main drawback.

Recently I am catching up the new dramas: 陆贞传奇 and 新抱喜相逢. WHOA, I just can't believe I had gone through my last one-and-a-half-months without television! (I just can't remember how I spend such long time). OH, perhaps credited to "The Maze Runner" O.o

I can feel I'm growing, as the desire of spending and earning $$ are overwhelming me.... I began to search for job to fulfil myself, commencing the early of the 2014 =P The job I got is quite fascinating~ Not the job range or job environment, the pay I meant =D I was quite shocked to found out that a promoter was earning a high pay, higher than what i expected, at least. It's an easy job as well. Hoping to work as a permanent part time tuition teacher after this job as I'm going to be unemployed once the CNY is here.... ANY VACANCY? 

My friends are working too- some are waiters, some are teachers, some are temporary workers for shop in conjunction with the Chinese New Year. Some of their jobs make me envy, HAHA. Yea, Envy, it is ENVY OH MY, I just can't stop IT! What a rottin' psyche I own >.<

Nevermind, I'm not in hurry to get rid of it though. WHY? Oh it's simple; It's just like some bloody PRESSURE, which I think will transform into a subtle power which can boost me up high to reach what I yearn for!

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