
Saturday, May 2, 2015

College Essay

I've decided to take SAT subject tests, so yeah, one more post-exam reso!

Actually I'm quite worried about my USA universities application now. I've done nothing much to make myself stand out ='[ But still I have a lil faith in myself that I'll get into US uni *determined*

So, I just came across this article when I'm reading the NYT.

Four Stand-Out College Essays About Money

Mr. Quinlan adds that given how hard many top colleges are working to attract the best lower-income students, applicants may be getting an implicit message that it’s better to write about struggling financially...."

So.. haha.. I think I should figure out the story of my life.

I think I should pay attention on my business and do something special so that it makes me unique. HMMMM. Two bird with one rock.

*pray hard from now on*

Good day.

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