
Sunday, July 19, 2015

I must study in the States

USAPPS 2015 sent me a reminder about the workshop and the must-be-awesome facilitators' info. Some of the links in the simple emails nudged me about my dream of going to the US university.

Lately I have been indulging in the indolence which engulfed my original intention of studying in the land of free. Ashamed. Thanks so much to the blog posts from the alumni of the US universities for sharing their experience and encouragement.

I crave for the chance to enrich my universities life by doing things that are beyond my wildest imagination such as learning about programming, ballroom dancing, experiencing different culture etc. That's what life should be: adventurous, unique, challenging, unpredictable, content.

The ability to think out of the box is what I always wanted to possess. Only when I leave the place, society and the norm I spent the past of my life in, I am able to confront the real me, alter the perception and be brave to walk against the tide. An opportunity to sublime my soul and transform.

I am thankful that I am fortunate enough to grab a seat in the government scholarship programme. I will never let it slip away. Believe and just do it! Go girl!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

College Essay

I've decided to take SAT subject tests, so yeah, one more post-exam reso!

Actually I'm quite worried about my USA universities application now. I've done nothing much to make myself stand out ='[ But still I have a lil faith in myself that I'll get into US uni *determined*

So, I just came across this article when I'm reading the NYT.

Four Stand-Out College Essays About Money

Mr. Quinlan adds that given how hard many top colleges are working to attract the best lower-income students, applicants may be getting an implicit message that it’s better to write about struggling financially...."

So.. haha.. I think I should figure out the story of my life.

I think I should pay attention on my business and do something special so that it makes me unique. HMMMM. Two bird with one rock.

*pray hard from now on*

Good day.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Post-exam Resolutions

April is ending soon, so as the first year of my tertiary studies.
AS will start next week, though I can't feel the existence of my exammate - pressure.

Library and learning hub are full house recently, people are wallowing themselves in the study mood but yet, I'm not.

There's so many things happening for the last few weeks: romance, disappointment, comedy, touching story.

Opps, off topic again.

Whenever there's exam, you'll always desperate to do something that consume big portion of your time. HUMAN. =/

So here's mine:
1. Read informative magazines and enrich my connotation (Imma just a desperate college girl =P)

2. Play sports! Be sporty! (Volleyball, Sky Adventure Clubs, Table Tennis Club, Dance Club, Jung Da Yeon, Captain ball, frisbee, Dodgeball OMG!!!)

3. LEO HALLMARK (I just can't see any hope on this.. the freaking president is blocking my way)

4. Free online courses

5. Business building

6. Part time job (I'm broke, especially after I decided to go to prom, Tioman Island and Melbourne)

7. Have fun with my babies~~

Have a good day ahead dear reader! =)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Return of Ceiling

Oh my, I just can't believe that I have abandoned this cute lil side for almost 1 year.

I know it's cliche but still, TIME FLIES!

I feel guilty and this is why I'm posting this post. XD (No bombastic vocab for this post ya..)

Kay, lemme tell you about the most recent event - The Chinese New Year!!!

Woah, I think I have grown up so much since I got into TCSJ..
Why would I think so? 'Cause I did things I didn't do in the 2014 CNY: make up, wear super high heels, take off the bloody specs and spend money like hell $$$$$$$$$$