The 2012 SPM candidates had just took their result on the past thursday.
Not suprisingly, the overall result is quite good because it was the year right before the 13th General Election.
Our school's candidates managed to maintain the result of 9 straight A's student, no improvement but it was nevertheless a good news.
Now, my Facebook new feeds is full with "Which course to take?"
Now, the newspapers is full with "Education Fair is here!"
Recently, my classmates and I had started to pull up our socks. The issues about future studies and aspiration had became the hot topic.
Everyone's in dilemma as well as stress. HAHA
Straight A+, it's very heavy.
Scholarship, the distance between us is unfathomable =-=''
We had just submitted the ASEAN Scholarship for Pre-Uni. I reckon, it WOULD let me down.
7 months to go. 1 more year to go. CHEER~~