
Saturday, November 3, 2012


What a big surprise.. nope, i should have say 'shock'.

Get up in the morning, checking my facebook and the messages.

"Crying.. My friend passed away"

Yea.. My friend's friend passed away in an accident. I was stunned for a long minute. I don't really know his friend, but I'm at a loss, thinking what should I do now.

I don't know what boy thinks, but as a friend, I do have the responsiblity to comfort him. A message would be good enough I thought, with a =)

Sometimes I do think, life is extremely brittle. Last month, one of the 'famous' nuisance of my primary school had passed away; Day before yesterday, one of my friend's friend passed away and yesterday, another one.

They are teens. And just left this fantastic world like this.

Everyday, many of humans are ending their life, forced or voluntarily. I know it's inevitable. You know too.

But when the rate of surviving is higher than the rate of leaving, no one remember the fragile of one's life until someone around them unluckily passed away.

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