
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Movie: Life of Pi

For a long period, people were discussing about the famous movie "Life Of Pie". I didn't watch it that time until I saw it on a movie website yesterday. At first I didn't know much about the story behind the scene. The analysis of the websites really make me flabbergasted.

Foremost, I was so superfacial that I only see the determination and the battle with fear of Pi. The movie let me felt that it was so spectacular for a movie. Amazed.

Let's see the beginning of the recount:

Pi was recounting his story.
Pi became the legend when he managed to memorise the "Pi" in Mathematics
Before this, Pi's was been made fun of "pissing"

 Pi was a very religious boy though his father had the opposite mind.
Pi first know about Hindu.

Pi first "meet" Christ.
Pi first "meet" Allah
Pi thought that every animal has soul. However, his father taught him a lesson that animal is animal.
In fact, two of the scene below showed that the tiger is actually Pi. =D
Pi's Dad told him that what he saw in the eyes of the tiger
was just his reflection of self
The priest said "You must be thirsty" to Pi when he first meet Pi.
"Thirsty" was the name of Richard Parker initially.
Pi's family forced to shift to Canada. The migrate never success.
Storm rain made the ship wrecked, no one knows the reason.
Pi was enjoying the crazy storm rain on the ship, with ignorance.
Pi attempted to go back to save his family but was obstructed
by the sailor.
A series of story happened on Pi. This will be discussed later. 

Pi told the Japenese his story, two version: The animal one, the human one.
So, which do you PREFER?
 Okay~ Here comes the deep-inside part of the story.
The pink words is the scene we see (the animal version) and
the blue word will be the deeper story ( the human version).

After the ship sinked, Pi was on the ship with 4 other animals.
This four animal represents the sailor(zebra), the cooker(hyena),
Pi's mother(orang utan) and Pi(tiger)
4 animals on the livesaving boat - a hyena, an orang utan, a zebra
and the tiger.
 The tiger was not appear at first, until the orang utan died.
The tiger was the evil side of Pi, the humanise side- defense.
This mean that Pi doesn't mean to kill anyone, until his mother died.
Pi was trying to defence himself
 The hyena kill the zebra first. Then, it attempt to kill Pi. The orang utan had defend and protect Pi. Lastly, it died. The tiger jumped out out of the blue and kill the vicious hyena.
On the livesaving boat, the cooker killed the sailor due to invincible hunger. They ate the flesh of the sailor in order to live. When there was no more, the cooker killed Pi's mother. Pi who was in anger, burst his wrath spontaneously and kill the cooker.
The zebra died of hyena, the orang utan also,
lastly the hyena died of the fierce tiger.

Pi learned the ways to survive.

He killed fish to feed Richard Parker the tiger
to avoid himself to become the dish.

A raft away from the boat - the peace little place for Pi
away from the death threat.

The storm that Pi faced.
 After the great storm, Pi and Richard Parker the tiger reached an beautiful island.
The island was full of meerkats, millions.
There, Pi found food and water. It was the main fact that Pi survived.
 For that he was considering to live there, forever maybe.
However, he found that the island was mysterious.
It will change to a carnevorous island, like a Venus flytrap.
The pond of water will turn acidic and dissolve the fish.

Actually, the island was said as the corpse of Pi's mother.
For the sake of life, he ate the dead body of the cooker and sailor.
He didn't mean to eat his mother's.
But, he ate, and survived.
The myriad of meerkats symbolises the maggots on the corpse of his mother.
The island that saved Pi was his mother's corpse.
The acidic pond symbolise the water came out of the dead body.
The tooth symbolise Pi ate his mother until only tooth left.
He was blinded by starvation.
He realized that he ate his mother when he saw the last tooth.
The island was a shape of woman body- metaphor his mother.
The island was full of meerkats.

Pi was chasing the meerkats away because it symbolise the
disgusting maggots.

Fish died in the lovely pond.
In the story, it was told the pold became acid at night

Pi found a tooth in the leaves on the island.

Finally, Pi reached the land.

He was crying not because he was saved.
He cried because Richard Parker simply left him
after the fight-together, without any dismay.

Richard Parker just make lost of himself.
 There are many nice scene in this movie:
The scene was so magnificent
Pi reached an beautiful island, which saved his life and
faith to live.
However, it was so "beautiful" if you know the real meaning of it HAHA
Another  remarkable scene of glowing jellyfish.
The most stufety scene- the whale.
At the ending of the movie, Pi asked which version YOU PREFER. Things can be beautiful but reality usually doesn't. The strong grip of Pi towards the God makes things nice.
I prefer the animal version.
For this movie, I would rate it 8/10

Friday, February 8, 2013

DIY: Bow

Here it goes~
Prepare a piece of rectangular cloth according to
the size of ribbon you would like to have.
You may sew the side (as shown) first if you cloth is
easy to off-line.
Fold the cloth towards the centre line.
Fold the both side of cloth toward the centre equally.
Sew the centre line of the cloth.
Push it to form the ribbon shape.
Wrap a pie

Actually I had used 2 different ribbon to make this tutorial.. because the first one is very ugly HAHA!
Hope you can try out to make this ribbon~

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cookies for Chinese New Year

Last fortnight, my aunties, my mum and me had started to make some cookies for Chinese New Year which is around the corner~ Every year, we usually will make the cookies and biscuit by ourselves instead of purchasing or ordering from the others cookies makers, due to the costliness of the bakings(RM22-28 per big container)..

This year we made 5 types of cookies, some was made by my mum and me only =D

Green Pea cookies
 The green pea cookies taste is definitely better than its appearance HAHAHAHA! However, that green pea  powder was bought in ready-ground form..
Black and White ( Butter cookies)
This can be regarded as the secret recipe of my aunty because it is quite difficult to find someone know how to do the Black and White with the briliant taste =) I had tasted some from my friend, bought, was just so-so compared to our home made one, maybe it the difference between different brand of butter..

Pineapple Tart~
 Famous CNY cookies~ Loved by the elders =) 

Butter cookies (free style shape)
 My mum made this because I was clamoring to buy this XD The creative shaping by using the fork (lower tray) seems not bad huh~
Almond chocolate~
Made today~ Still fresh~~ I was eating as I'm filling it into the container~ Glutton~ HAHA
Peanut cookies
Making CNY cookies is really a good way to sense the approach of the main festival~ I think the cookies that we made had avoid a great expanses for the celebration =D Hope next year I can make more~ hehehe