
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ping Pong Tournament

The Kuala Langat District Table Tennis Tournament was held on 21-23 January, in my school's hall- Emkay Hall. I took part in that tournament. I had miss the game for 2 years because my previous school do not really emphasis table tennis game.
I was so glad that I won the group single, however, the happiness adulterated with lots of disappointment.. I lose the women's double in the semi final..
Everything seems so irony.
At first, I thought I would definitely lose the match- miserably, but somehow, the top female players of Kuala Langat did not bring into play in double. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. When I start to think that I'll probably win that game, things happened contrary =-=''

No matter what I gain or lost in the matches, this is the last tournament in my secondary school life. Everything comes to the full stop, or maybe a exclamation mark~ =D

The Cup of Women's Group Single Champion

My partner in women's double
We just known each other 1-2weeks before the tournament~

The Cup and The Gold Medals =D

Friends & Glory =)
Well Done For Us =D
Looking forward for the state tournament.. ( I might not be playing, but cheering XD)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Holiday: Taiwan (Food)

I had went to Taiwan for 21days in the previous year-end holiday~
Friend, Food and Shopping are all I can tell about this trip~

Taiwan is well-famed of their food. However after this trip, I can conclude that, it didn't amaze me and my friends. Maybe it's because we didn't get to the best restaurant or stall~

instant noodles - supper for everyone everyday~

breakfast everyday was almost the same
dinner/lunch everyday almost the same too

大肠包小肠 Glutinuos Rice Wrapping Sausage


臭豆腐 bean curd (google translate XD)

Bubble Milk Tea

Airplane Meal LOL

Fish balls~

Bahahaha~ It's donut~

糖葱卷 Sugar roll
I didn't like it too much because it contains parsley

马铃薯起司 Mashed Potato with Cheese

Eating Chou Tofu

My best beverage in Taiwan~ yogurt~~ almost 3 tins daily~ haha

麦旋风 Caramel Mcflurry~

大香肠 Extra Large Sausage

蚵仔煎 Oyster Omelet

肉圆 Meat ball
Don't eat this!!!!! Its taste is very yucky!

汤圆 Tangyuan made by us during winter solstice~

The most expensive meal in my Taiwan trip -
路飞帽鸡腿饭 Roofy Hat Chicken Rice
in the One Piece Theme Park~

九份芋圆 Yam balls~ The best food I ate in Taiwan~

茶叶蛋 Tea leaf eggs
It was so nice eating hot boiled eggs in the atmosphere of 10 celcius~ =D
Actually there are still many food I ate were not captured. If you are going to Taiwan, remember not to miss the 芋圆(yam balls) and 鱼丸(fish balls)~ =D