
Sunday, January 24, 2016

American Dream

This is a very mainstream dream, which I do not catergorise it as something easy to achieve.

Some background story about this post. Lately the suspension of the prominent JPA (Public Service Department) scholarship has aroused controversy. People reprimand the government for the injustice that the scholars faced, providing elaboration on the last-minute information, the hope-given-then-scattered condition, opportunity cost paid for the promised-yet-did-not-happen scholarship, limited leeway, the so-called "lies". Some people counter these opinions with reasons like "scholarship is a privilege, not a right", "getting good grades ain't mean that you can have scholarship dropping on you lap" etc.

As one of the scholars, or the victims, I actually do think that the views from both sides make sense. It is not right for the government to give such short notice for people to find alternative. Application closed (universities applied are based on the list that they gave, I would have applied for other schools if there is no JPA scholarship), less than 4 months away from my graduation.

Most importantly, we need time to adjust ourselves, in terms of our focus, our mindset and our plannings. Spending 2 years thinking of utilizing my time when I'm in US universities, I am not that strong to accept the truth of not being able to enter a top notch university, mingle with incredible souls from all around the world, indulge myself in the liberal and holistic learning environment and enjoy the opportunities and resources I could get from the western college. So many plans laid ahead. Network, startups, knowledge, experience. How on earth can Sunway grant me those opportunities?

Almost one week past but I still can imagine myself studying in the local institutes. To be frank, I think I sort of developed some ego in these 2 years, that I deserve something better than a boring and ordinary university live. I need a bigger platform. Malaysian colleges are just too Asian and lack of resources and quality (if you compare with the US ones, which is what I've been doing for thepast 20 months).

I do not know what to expect. According to my experience of being a Malaysian for 20 years, the government will not change their agenda because of us. #WelcometoMalaysia

Can I get a scholarship from Maybank or Shell or Khazanah? Though I'm confident that my CV will catch some attention, but 0.06% of getting daunted me.
Can I get an awesome offer from UCLA or UCB? I do not know. I just think that I'm never a very extraordinary achiever.

What shall I do? Hope for the best? No, that's stupid.
I'm trying very hard to have faith on myself and to believe that I'm capable enough to earn myself the education fund, join the great college and become someone who is remarkable by the global society. At the same time, I'm preparing myself for the bad news, and brainwashing myself that studying locally will not bring me too far away from my dream of being one of the 30 Under 30.

If I would have been lucky enough to go to California, I will fight all my way to do great things, bring pride to my country and my family.

If I'm fated to stay in Malaysia, I will fight all my way to do great things, and to go to Harvard Business School.  

Sunday, July 19, 2015

I must study in the States

USAPPS 2015 sent me a reminder about the workshop and the must-be-awesome facilitators' info. Some of the links in the simple emails nudged me about my dream of going to the US university.

Lately I have been indulging in the indolence which engulfed my original intention of studying in the land of free. Ashamed. Thanks so much to the blog posts from the alumni of the US universities for sharing their experience and encouragement.

I crave for the chance to enrich my universities life by doing things that are beyond my wildest imagination such as learning about programming, ballroom dancing, experiencing different culture etc. That's what life should be: adventurous, unique, challenging, unpredictable, content.

The ability to think out of the box is what I always wanted to possess. Only when I leave the place, society and the norm I spent the past of my life in, I am able to confront the real me, alter the perception and be brave to walk against the tide. An opportunity to sublime my soul and transform.

I am thankful that I am fortunate enough to grab a seat in the government scholarship programme. I will never let it slip away. Believe and just do it! Go girl!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

College Essay

I've decided to take SAT subject tests, so yeah, one more post-exam reso!

Actually I'm quite worried about my USA universities application now. I've done nothing much to make myself stand out ='[ But still I have a lil faith in myself that I'll get into US uni *determined*

So, I just came across this article when I'm reading the NYT.

Four Stand-Out College Essays About Money

Mr. Quinlan adds that given how hard many top colleges are working to attract the best lower-income students, applicants may be getting an implicit message that it’s better to write about struggling financially...."

So.. haha.. I think I should figure out the story of my life.

I think I should pay attention on my business and do something special so that it makes me unique. HMMMM. Two bird with one rock.

*pray hard from now on*

Good day.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Post-exam Resolutions

April is ending soon, so as the first year of my tertiary studies.
AS will start next week, though I can't feel the existence of my exammate - pressure.

Library and learning hub are full house recently, people are wallowing themselves in the study mood but yet, I'm not.

There's so many things happening for the last few weeks: romance, disappointment, comedy, touching story.

Opps, off topic again.

Whenever there's exam, you'll always desperate to do something that consume big portion of your time. HUMAN. =/

So here's mine:
1. Read informative magazines and enrich my connotation (Imma just a desperate college girl =P)

2. Play sports! Be sporty! (Volleyball, Sky Adventure Clubs, Table Tennis Club, Dance Club, Jung Da Yeon, Captain ball, frisbee, Dodgeball OMG!!!)

3. LEO HALLMARK (I just can't see any hope on this.. the freaking president is blocking my way)

4. Free online courses

5. Business building

6. Part time job (I'm broke, especially after I decided to go to prom, Tioman Island and Melbourne)

7. Have fun with my babies~~

Have a good day ahead dear reader! =)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Return of Ceiling

Oh my, I just can't believe that I have abandoned this cute lil side for almost 1 year.

I know it's cliche but still, TIME FLIES!

I feel guilty and this is why I'm posting this post. XD (No bombastic vocab for this post ya..)

Kay, lemme tell you about the most recent event - The Chinese New Year!!!

Woah, I think I have grown up so much since I got into TCSJ..
Why would I think so? 'Cause I did things I didn't do in the 2014 CNY: make up, wear super high heels, take off the bloody specs and spend money like hell $$$$$$$$$$

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Inspiring words

I used to hate those so-called "inspiring and encouraging" quotes from the great men, you know, kinda empty talks.

But I realized, all things in the world is an empty talk until you put into practice. Same thing happens in the quotes. Writing down and repeat them can really motivate you!

We often get some inspiration or enlightened by some sort of motivational stories EASILY, but we also forget the impulse which ignited in us EASILY.

No, don't lost it, don't let the momentum disappear in the ticks.

But HOW?

Whenever you make up your mind to do something, or you feel the excitement or inspiration from some words, JOT DOWN!
We lost our memory but ink doesn't evaporate from the grasps of the papers.


It was frustrating when you can remember something you once know. Don't let this irritate you. SOLVE IT.

Most important part, IT WORKS.

Friday, March 21, 2014

choices really important than hardworks?

after struggling between actuarial science and accounting, between cambridge A level and Ausmat, now i have to face another dilemma predicament =-= HELP or Taylor's or Methodist College KL?

 I was considering about Sunway before my results is relased. They offer better tuition waiver for the sunway pre-u students who wanted to continue the Bachelor of actuarial science in the aforementioned university, and, their fees was not as expensive as Taylor's. But now, no more concern about the fees~ after all, KPM aka MOE will pay for me wahhaa..

So, reputable Taylor's or peaceful campus at MCKL? Erm.. i think im leaning towards Taylor's as one of my experienced and great senior who i admire his achievement had recommended it as well as it is the so-called "rich ppl's school".. Haha I would like to mix with ppl with higher social class and those top-notch scholars.. Its the positive kind of "he that touches the pitch will be defiled" This is my logic no matter you agree or not. These people may be extravagant or ego ( no offence, just a few), but I can deal with it in order to achieve what i want- enlarge my
vision and network, as well as do the be-with-the-people-who-can-bring-you-where-you-want thing =P

Erm anyway, changing is possible as nothing is impossible now.. You see, I can even get that amazing results, and I can't believe though 48hrs had passed.. XD

Sunday, March 9, 2014

C'mon... Have faith in yourself!

From today onwards, the countdown of the release of SPM result officially begins~~ Start from the two digit - 10!

Bahahaahaha, another annoying post arousing the "post-SPM-candidates"' anxiety and tension..

OK, forget about the imminent woe, let's talk about the pathway choosing thing.
I'd went to the Sunway Open Day, 2nd time  in the college that i might going to study at.
I missed the first half of a talk about actuarial career. When I took my sit and settle down, I managed to capture the flashing of a slideshow, presenting the salary of and actuarist. Though I didn't see its details, but I can remember so clearly about the 5 digits number WAHAHA!

That is a small episode anyway.

The main thing is, I'm so glad that I think I found the suitable course for myself, yes, the Actuarial Studies~~ Although there are so many hearsays outside there that exaggerate the difficulty of completing the aforesaid course, but I reckon I can do it.

The lecturer told me that an actuarist must LOVE maths, it's not only "comfortable with maths" nor "maths", you must LOVE maths. Basically, comfortable with maths is suitable for the one who wanted to be accountants~ So, dingdongdingdong, I love it!

It was quite an awkward moment when I asked about the fees for taking professional paper from SOA. I was calculating the fees and mumbling to myself so seriously and suddenly, Dr. Ho popped his voice " It's not about the fees, it's about whether you can pass the paper or not". Just imagine how awkward it is when someone said it while you are having a 1-to-1 conversation.. =P

After the counselling and explanation, I was required to fill up a form to get the latest news and events about Sunway-U. Filling up a form made me feel free, but someone talking to you while you writing down your personal information in such solemn way wasn't nice- especially when the conversation starts with a question you have doubt to answer it. Are you an attentive person? Will you read an article word by word and found some errors or a losing comma? An actuarist have to be. Will you do decision with serious consideration? - these were what Dr.Ho asked me, and these were what made me feel the tense of my muscle.=/ I couldn't answer this question... My brain told me that I AM NOT but somehow deep in my psyche I think I'm... HAHAHA! I know I have to be "attentive", and so, I "attentively" checked all the informations again, and "attentively" read the T&C........... (I have no choice man!)

Actuary might be more favourable for me instead of accounting.. Accounting is more about laws and policy, and boring, from what I acknowledged. Hmmm.. I believe the pressure of studying tough course can let me FLY~~

Now I have a goal, a target. So, I have to start worrying about the tuition fees, and what foundation I have to study! >.<  Endless worries!

I know my SPM result would be very disappointing, dragged down by my language subjects, and biology. Haiz... Good bye my dear Straight A's...